Monday, December 17, 2012

To the teachers and children of Sandy Hood Elementary

     As a follow-up to my previous post, which I wrote last week, I just wanted to write a little something about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, CT this week. Even though my teaching assistantship did not end up going as I would've hoped, when I heard the news from a friend all I could think about were the over 120 kids that I've worked with. I saw their faces in my mind, along with the numerous others who run around the school yards of this world. It's been interesting to read coverage from the French perspective, since personal firearms are illegal in this country. I've found some of the French comments offensive because people are so focused on the firearms issue that they fail to see the human side of this tragedy. After working alongside dedicated teachers, in tough school situations, who still have their students' lives and interests at heart on the worst of teaching days, I can't help but think only of the children, teachers, and families affected by these past days' events. If you're writing Christmas cards and getting ready for the holidays and feel moved to write a letter of sympathy and/or support to the school, their address is listed below. I hope you will. 

Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive
Newtown, CT 06482

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